Boys and the Boy Crisis Conference Interview with Men’s Movement Leader Warren Farrell a Tremendous Pleasure Help Fight Prostate Cancer, Men’s Second Leading Cause of Death First Canadian University Men’s Collective Off the Ground; Hopefully, the first of many Men’s Issues Awareness Campaign 2011 Toronto Lecture Series Confirms Fathers’ Advocate Danny Guspie as Speaker lioneltiger1-107x150-1 First Event! The New Sexism: Why are men discriminated against in family courts? Featuring Danny Guspie University Men’s Collectives First York University event: “Men, Masculinity and Gender Discussion Group” Wed, Jan 25, 6pm Join CAFE at the Harry Spring Run off for Prostate Cancer April 7 $30K Simon Fraser University Men’s Centre! Media Advisory: Prominent Anthropologist Lionel Tiger to Speak on the Decline of Males (May 11, 2012) Prostate Cancer: Taboo of Men’s Health Media Advisory: Violence in Fatherless Communities Calls for Family Law Reform (July 16, 2012) Dr. James Brown, Educator, joins CCMF Advisory Committee Media Advisory: Recent GTA Murders Call for Taskforce on Violence Against Young Males (Feb 22, 2013) Media Advisory & Statement: Groups Promise “Militant” Response to Thursday’s Building Dialogue on Sexism Event at U of T Family law reform discussion heats up as Parental Alienation Awareness Day approaches Interview with CAFE Spokesperson Calling for Taskforce on Violence Against Young Males after GTA Deaths Black Daddies Club Panel Discussion “Fathers in Family Court” Why Do Men Need Male-Only Groups on Campus? Good Men Project Report Join or Sponsor the CCMF Team Participating in the Fathers Day Prostate Cancer Walk/Run Dr. Jim Brown’s Tour “Odyssey for Equality in our Schools” is underway! Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality in our Schools Episode 2: Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council Meeting Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality in our Schools Episode 3: Meeting with MPP Garfield Dunlop Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality in our Schools: Retrospective – Equitable Education, UK Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality in our Schools Episode 4: Meeting with Teresa Hartnett, Hamilton Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality in our Schools Episode 5: Meeting with a former student, now principle Odyssey for Equality Ep6: Dr. James Brown Meets with Key Catholic School Trustee Odyssey For Equality Ep7: Bringing Holistic Education to the Teaching of Boys Odyssey for Equality Ep8: Helping Boys to Achieve their Potential Odyssey for Equality Ep9: Children’s Aid Society Meeting and Diversifying the Odyssey’s Reach Odyssey for Equality Ep10: The Spiritan priests Media Advisory: Campaign Kicks Off to Open Toronto’s First Centre for Men and Boys Team CAFE Completes Its First Annual Participation in the Father’s Day Walk/Run for Prostate Cancer Supreme Court Sexism Lets Woman Off for Counseling to Murder Odyssey for Equality Ep.20 – Thank you! Media Advisory: Campaign to Establish Toronto’s First “Men’s Centre” Receives Leading Donation (July 22, 2013) Odyssey for Equality – Part 19 Odyssey for Equality – Part 18 Odyssey for Equality – Part 17 Odyssey for Equality – Part 16 Odyssey for Equality – Part 22 Odyssey for Equality – Part 23 Canadian Centre for Men and Families in the news! Get More Information Media Advisory: Fundraising for Toronto’s First “Men’s Centre” Nears Halfway Point (Aug 19, 2013) Next U of T Event: Dr. Miles Groth: “Caring About University Men: Why We Need Campus Men’s Centres in a Time of Crisis” York film student documentary on child custody: Call for Participants Trailer released for Video Documenting Dr. Miles Groth Event: “Caring About University Men” Focus Group For Men With Eating Disorders and Body-Image Issues Studio Brule interview with Dr. Miles Groth + event coverage USA Today Editorial: Are men’s centers essential for college campuses? Mens issues not welcome on Canadian campuses: our advisor Janice Fiamengo on Sun TV MuchMusic Thinks Violence Against Males is Funny. We don’t. Failing Boys: Educator James Brown Speaks at University of Toronto Nov 14 Media Advisory: Canadian “Men’s Centre” Soon a Reality as Fundraising Nears Goal Media Advisory: Toronto’s First “Men’s Centre” Reaches Fundraising Goal (Nov 18, 2013) Canadian Centre for Men and Families Reaches Fundraising Goal! “Just the Beginning”: Join Auction and Entertainment Extravaganza to Close the Men’s Centre Campaign, December 1 Media Advisory: Toronto’s First “Men’s Centre” Reaches Fundraising Goal Video Posted: Failing Boys: Society’s Destructive Neglect for the Emergency in our Schools and How We Can Respond to the Calamity Facing Young Males Female criminals are a “disadvantaged group” suffering from the violation of their “equality rights” New organization “Lawyers for Shared Parenting” advocates equal shared parenting in Canada New Video Posted: “Failing Boys” Featuring Dr. James Brown Men needed to take part in a study that aims to listen to men’s voices about their experience of abuse from a female intimate partner Google Hangout Tomorrow: Cancellation of the Male Studies program at the University of South Australia Waterloo University Men’s Issues Club is up and running! 11,000 victims of Assad’s “industrial scale” killings: All but one are men, mostly ages 20-40 CCMF welcomes new advisor: Douglas Gosse, Full Professor of Social Justice & Culture Studies, Nipissing University U.S. man who donated sperm to lesbian couple must pay child support: judge The Canadian Centre for Men and Families Will Become a Reality Thanks to You! Media Advisory: Female “Men’s Issues” Activist to Speak at Ryerson University Karen Straughan and Canadian students Announces CAFE’s 2014 Plans Special Breaking News: Ryerson University President Waives Security Fee for Karen Straughan Event “Wayward Sons”: New report on labor market gender gap insightful if incomplete When Men’s Issues Came to Ryerson: Karen Straughan Event Aftermath and Highlights Welcome to new CCMF Advisor Rod Keays From the Failure of Family Court to Equal Shared Parenting: CAFE Presents Dr. Edward Kruk at U of T March 21 Contempt for Men in Today’s Society: Footage from Live Interview at McGill University with Dr. Paul Nathanson CCMF Welcomes New Advisor: Masculinities Researcher, Social Scientist Dr. Silvia Medrano Towards Upper Echelons: First CAFE Meeting with an MPP Motion to deratify Men’s Issues Student Group at Queen’s University Fails! From Challenge to Success! CAFE Report on Queen’s and U of O Inaugural Events York Prof calls Mens Issues groups “crackpot” in an article that would be censored by its own criteria New Father’s Issues Infographics Posted Message from Canadian Equal Parenting Council: How much is it worth to you to fix family law so your kids don’t have to suffer? Summer Institute on Men, Trauma and Recovery: The Men Project and 1in6 Canada June 9-13, 2014 Queen’s Dept. of Gender Studies Hosts Rape Apologist Tonight Parental Alienation Awareness Day is April 25. Join us at events across Canada Myths vs. Facts on Bill C-560, Presumption of Equal Parenting Children’s Aid hit with $1.4M for failing to protect 3 boys & hiding evidence mother was lying about abusive father Lawyers Say Canadian Bar Association is Mistaken in its Self-Interested Opposition to Bill C560: Presumption of Equal Shared Parenting Ken Thompson Loved His Children: A Story of the Scars of Family Court Battles Help reform family court: A call for ideas Help pass Bill C-560 to restore justice and equality in Canadian family courts Video Posted: The Criminalization of Boys in Today’s Schools, with Harry Kopyto Media Advisory: Parental Alienation Awareness Day To Be Celebrated at Toronto City Hall Today Noon Media Advisory: Parental Alienation Awareness Day To Be Celebrated at Toronto City Hall Today Noon (April 25, 2014) Media Advisory: “Men’s Issues” Group Pledges $1000 Reward in Hopes of Break in Queen’s Student Assault Case Toronto Domestic Violence Symposium. June 6/7 Dr. Siegi Schuler, Clinical Social Worker with men’s health and well-being focus, appointed CAFE Advisor Scholarship demonstrates perils of discretionary “best interest” approach to custody Halifax workshop for men recovering from sexual child abuse CAFE receives charity status; Celebrate at Equality Day Island Music Fest! Media Advisory: Government Grants Charity Status to First “Men’s Issues” Group (May 20, 2014) Media Advisory: Government Grants Charity Status to First “Men’s Issues” Group 2014 Ontario Election Party and Candidate Questionnaire The Silent Victims of Sexism: Mississauga High School Student Report Video: Senator Anne Cools and Erin Pizzey Speak at the Domestic Violence 2014 Symposium in Toronto Walk with the Canadian Association for Equality in the Toronto World Pride Parade Media Advisory: Controversial “Men’s Issues” Organization Ejected From Pride Parade You’re Invited to the CAFE Pride Party This Saturday at 8PM Christie Blatchford: Media and courts treat women like delicate little flowers instead of full human beings Calling for resources for male victims of PTSD angers commenters, provokes anti-male response Access Granted: Canadian Centre for Men and Families Update #1 We Need Your Help: Canadian Centre for Men and Families Update #2 Press Release: Four National Shared Parenting Organizations Join Forces On North Dakota’s Shared Parenting For Kids Ballot Initiative Moving Day(s): Canadian Centre for Men and Families Update #3 Men’s Issues Went Global Tonight at the University of Toronto w/ Another Successful Event! If you want a shared parenting movement, here’s an opportunity Clean Up, Set Up, Build Up: Canadian Centre for Men and Families Update #4 Municipally to Provincially: Men’s Issues Easily Dismissed by Politicians The Canadian Centre for Men and Families: A Busy Few Weeks CAFE on radio at 1:05PM Friday: Response to clothing line glorifying female who dismembered husband, murdered son Aboriginal men murdered at higher rate than aboriginal women Gilda’s Club announces Men’s Networking Group for Those Who Have Been Touched by Cancer Media Advisory: National Charity for Men Demands Inclusion of Male Aboriginals in Public Inquiry Hear CAFE on the Radio Today (Wed, Aug 27) Arguing for Aboriginal Boys and Men Canadian Centre for Men and Families Opens Its Doors: Canadian Centre for Men and Families Update #5 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey 2011 Released: Sexual Violation of Men Higher Than Expected Help Men Receive Equal Access to Justice CCMF announces The Honourable Roger Gallaway appointed to Advisory Committee Join us at the Meet and Greet for the Canadian Centre for Men and Families Connect Now with the Canadian Centre for Men and Families! CCMF is looking for a data/computer projector & literature display racks Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality Resumes! Episode 60 Sexual Exploitation of Young Males in Canada: A CAFE Infographic Media Alert: Our amazing guest speaker Lynne MacDonell talks sexual exploitation of men on Sun TV at 3:50PM ET Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey For Equality Episode 61 Abused Men: Watch Video of Lynne MacDonell on the Sexual Abuse of Men References for Abuse Claim Concerning Female Perpetrators/Male Victims Lost Generation: A Series on Parental Alienation In Canada Suicide and Men! Why depressed men are dying for someone to talk to Lost Generation: A series on Parental Alienation in Canada – Part 1: Masculinity Celebrate Halloween at the Canadian Centre for Men and Families Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality Episode 62 Hey Sexy! Global TV News 5:30PM Tonight: Segment on Cat Calling with Our Spokesperson CCMF Director Justin Trottier appears on John Oakley Show discussing Jian Ghomeshi and rape culture The Facts About Suicide and Men in Canada: An Infographic Lost Generation Part 2: Importance of male models in a child’s life VIDEO POSTED Lynne MacDonell’s Talk: Violence and Sexual Abuse Against Men VIDEO POSTED: Suicide & Men – Shame, Passion, Purpose, Identity, & Society Dr. James Brown’s Odyssey for Equality Episode 63: Odyssey Goes to the UK CAFE participates in Remembrance Day at University of Toronto Videos Now Available From Our 2-Part Men’s Mental Health Series Lost Generation Part 3: Father as a role model in a girl’s life CCMF Comes to Vancouver! Inaugural Event Nov 14, 2014 at UBC Announcing the Launch of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families (CCMF) Lost Generation Part 4: Father as a role model in a boy’s life Lost Generation Part 5: Statistics on father-deprived children Join in the Fight to Reduce Stigma Against Men with Mental Illness It is long overdue! Mary tells of her experience with men victimized by the justice system U of T and Ryerson get failing grade for censoring men’s issues awareness on campus The Pain of Parental Alienation: Parental Alienation Series Part 1 The Alienated Parent is Also Alienated From Family and Friends: Parental Alienation Series Part 2 Dad walks 400 miles for vital cause: parental alienation Our Door is Open. How Far We Go To Support Boys & Men Depends on You Is Parental Alienation Child Abuse? Parental Alienation Series Part 3 Alienated and the Holidays: Parental Alienation Series Part 3 Claim for Elgan-Middlesex Detention Centre, London, ON – 1 – Setting Lost Generation Part 6: Fathers and Their Fragile Positions CCMF Vancouver hosts special meeting following inaugural public event Lost Generation Part 7: Paternity Fraud Our Board Member Paulette MacDonald Publishes in Durham News Calling for Support to Non-Custodial Parents Lost Generation Part 8: Paternity Fraud and Child Support “Female only” job violated male applicant’s human rights, says Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Claim for Elgan-Middlesex Detention Centre, London, ON – 2 – Overcrowding From Advocacy to Action: On Launching the New Canadian Centre for Men and Families Lost Generation Part 9 : Divorce and Child Custody Thanks to You Our Year End Fundraising Campaign Exceeded Its Goal! VIDEO POSTED: Press conference at the Canadian Centre for Men and Families Canadian Centre for Men and Families Mourns the Death of Danny Guspie (1958-2015) Update: Freedom of Information Request Filed with Legal Aid Ontario for Gender and Domestic Violence Statistics Lost Generation Part 10: Parental Alienation Lost Generation Part 11: Parental Alienation Is child Abuse Toronto Star Columnist Heather Mallick Does a Diservice to Her Own Causes Claim for Elgan-Middlesex Detention Centre, London, ON – 3 – Violence Employment Discrimination – Against Men!? Join us Feb 5th, 7PM for the Next U of T Event. Location announced: Sidney Smith Hall Room 1083, 100 St. George St, U of T Lost Generation Part 12 : War between Fathers and Mothers RIP – Danny Guspie 1958 to 2015 – Church Service Jan 31/15 Details Lost Generation Part 13: How to stop/escape Parental Alienation Lost Generation Part 14: Ways to deal with PA as an alienated parents The Future of Gender Equity: CCMF board rep participates in new online debate Can You Help Build a Men’s Issues Society at Ryerson University? Join us Feb 26 CCMF’s Justin Trottier Addresses the Niagara Secular Humanists Vancouver Celebrates Parental Alienation Awareness Day April 25, 2015 Press Conference Videos Up: Violence Against Men Billboard Campaign The Odyssey for Equality: Reports #6-10 The Odyssey for Equality. Reports #11 – 15 McGill University (Montreal) men’s issues discussion group is emerging Odyssey for Equality: Reports # 16-20 Odyssey for Equality Posts 21-25 Parental Alienation Day 2015 Retrospective Our Legal Resource Centre First Month Report Sing-along with James Brown CCMF Ottawa Inaugural Event & Book Launch CCMF Inaugurates Ottawa Branch National Men’s Issues Charity CCMF Inaugurates Ottawa Branch Wednesday Will You Support Team CCMF in Fathers Day Prostate Cancer Walk/Run? CCMF Welcomes Leading Criminal Lawyer Walter Fox as New Advisor U of T Psychiatry Prof Paul Sandor Appointed CCMF Advisor Canadian Men’s Health Week 2015 Our Legal Resource Centre Fourth Month Report Centre for Men Published in Abuse Awareness Magazine Assessing the needs of boys and men: We want to hear from you Shenalie Fernando Appointed Chief Operations Officer You’re Invited to Our Exciting August Events! Announcing a New Program for Separated & Divorced Fathers Participate in research into male gender stereotyping Men’s Mental Health Network launches, raising the bar on advocacy for men McGill Psychiatrist Rob Whitley Appointed Advisory Fellow SFU Advocacy for Men & Boys launches Gene C. Colman Appointed CCMF Advisory Fellow Dean Harvey Appointed Advisor for Northern Canada Mi’kmaw Native Centre joins Necktie Campaign Healing Journeys Conference Co-Hosts CAFE members walk in Peterborough Pride 2015 Robyn Urback: Why, exactly, is it OK to discriminate against men’s groups on campus? Ryerson men’s issues group says students’ union shutting out male voices Remembrance Day: Men’s Issues Society Participates in U of T Service Macleans, Oct 5/15, Why Men Can’t Have It All Healing Journeys Conference Videos Posted New Toronto Billboards Affirm Parental Alienation is Child Abuse Media Advisory: Denying a Child Their Father is Child Abuse, New Toronto Billboards Affirm Stories from the first year at the Men’s Centre Men’s Centre First Year Highlights CCMF Goes Back to School, Receives Warm Reception Saudia Arabia Finally Permits Women to Vote Exciting things are happening with CCMF here in Calgary 2015 Charity Auction Photos at the Men’s Centre Jola on the Harms of Demonizing Men Media Advisory: Coalition Applauds National Inquiry Announcement That Indigenous Boys and Men Will be Included UBC Prof Adam Jones Appointed CCMF Advisor Ghomeshi on Trial: Christie Blatchford Headlines Sexual Assault Panel at U of T Include Men in National Inquiry Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, New Campaign Urges Edmontonians call for men to be included in inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women DV Researcher Don Dutton Appointed Advisory Fellow Workers’ National Day of Mourning Calls for Safer Workplace CCMF 2016 AGM Election & Photos CCMF Appoints CFO. Meet Michael St. Pierre Amend the Canadian Divorce Act to Include a Rebuttable Presumption of Equal Parenting, New Campaign Urges Rob Whitley: Men need different help for mental-health woes The Odyssey for Equality is on the Road Again! Golf4MenNFamilies: Our First Annual Charity Golf Tournament a Huge Success CCMF Vancouver Holds First AGM Kirija Balachandran Appointed Summer Intern Canadian suicides prompt look at men’s roles in a changing world Men’s Health Services at Dundas West Fest CAFE First Men’s Charity Authorized to Grant Legal Aid Certificates to Domestic Violence Victims Men’s Services Come to Cabbagetown Media Advisory: Canada’s First National Men’s Issues Conference in Ottawa September 17th Media Advisory: Coalition Sends Federal Gov Request to Include Men in the Inquiry Into Murdered Indigenous Women Report on Healing Journeys Conference 2016 Services for Men and Families Arrive in Calgary CCMF Calgary Hosts First Meetup From a female partner of a wrongly convicted man CCMF Day at Parkdale Community Breakfast CCMF Montreal Is on the Map! Men’s issues returns to Ryerson University! Media Advisory: Indigenous Families Heartbroken Murdered Sons Will Not be Meaningfully Included in the National Inquiry CCMF Montreal Event for Indigenous Men Bubbles of Love in London, Ontario CCMF Official Participant in BMO’s RUN4HOPE CCMF Adopts New Bilingualism Policy Get CCMF to the International Shared Parenting Conference 2017! My Presentation to an All Girls Class Healthy Families Week Photo Round Up Child Soldiers: Whose Responsibility to Protect? Media Advisory: National Inquiry Now has Opportunity to Listen to Indigenous Families Calling to Include Boys and Men First “Men’s Centre” in Ottawa Will Celebrate Grand Opening This Saturday September 9th First “Men’s Centre” in Ottawa Will Celebrate Grand Opening This Saturday September 9th Charger Golf Tournament Raises $15,000 in Support of Healthy Fathers and Families Prosecuting Sexual Assault: Should you hear it all? A Toronto Debate Nov 23rd Funds needed to build shelter for men facing domestic violence CCMF Proud to Join Women’s Shelters in Supporting All in Need First Shelter for Male Domestic Abuse Victims Will Open in Toronto First Shelter for Male Domestic Abuse Victims Will Open in Toronto First Shelter for Male Domestic Abuse Victims Will Open in Toronto New Study Confirms Stigmatization of Men in Canadian Society (March 29, 2018) New Study Confirms Stigmatization of Men in Canadian Society (March 29, 2018) CCMF at Car Free Day June 17th Banner Environmental Makes Charitable Donation to Address Gaps in Men’s Health in Calgary Banner Environmental Makes Charitable Donation to Address Gaps in Men’s Health in Calgary Liberals’ proposed overhaul of Divorce Act aimed at putting interests of children first Policy Questions to Ontario Candidates The federal government’s new reforms reinforce how family disputes are already being resolved Media Reporting on Men’s Health Focus of Scholarly Article Charger Golf Tournament Raises Landmark $25,000 for Healthy Fathers and Families Men’s Health Fair at Warkworth Penitentiary Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Please Include Male Children in Your Compassion (Nov 10, 2018) Government of Canada Awards CCMF Grant to Study Male Homelessness and Domestic Abuse Government of Canada Awards CCMF Grant to Study Male Homelessness and Domestic Abuse Toronto Radio Ads Seek to Expand MeToo to Include Male Victims Toronto Radio Ads Seek to Expand MeToo to Include Male Victims Fundraiser to Open Alberta’s First “Men’s Centre” Reaches Halfway Point Douglas Todd: Why no shelters for male victims of partner violence? Inspiring Stories from Fathering After Separation Editorial: TROTTIER: Where’s the support for male victims of domestic violence? Newly Revealed Statistics Canada Data Shows Significant Male Domestic Violence Victims Is it time to reassign household chores? Report on the 2019 Charger Foundation Golf Tournament Fundraiser Touching Videos from our Fathers Day Picnic + A Photo Report from Healthy Families Week Canadian Centre for Men and Families Media Bias: A Study on Gender-Specific Approaches to Reported Violent Acts Premiere Screening: “Erasing Family” Film Exposes Family Court Failures Double the Love The sad saga of men and suicide Philanthropic Gift from Grindstone Capital Secures Opening of First Family Shelter for Abused Fathers and Children Ottawa Men’s Shed a place to tinker and talk Revolutionary Toronto shelter will help heal abused men, their families Report Released: Correlations Between IPV and Homelessness Webinar: When Men Seek Help CCMF Take Two Dutch TV Documentary on Men in Canada Male victims are being left out of the domestic violence conversation Pandemic is Disproportionately Affecting Men First of its kind men’s centre opens up in St. Thomas offering therapy, support groups Academia’s gender bias — how men are being pushed out of higher education Structured intervention trumps therapy in child estrangement cases Interview with CCMF Founder Justin Trottier Justin Trottier: Building, Organizing, Educating, Advocating, Serving… Funding Valuing Fatherhood: The Importance of Fathers in Child Development Online Dating as a Single Father: What Men Need to Know Senate Members Recommend Strategies to Reduce Canada’s Suicide Rates, Especially Among Men and Boys Media Advisory: Alberta’s First Domestic Violence Shelter for Fathers and Children Opens November 19 News Coverage of Alberta Home for Men and Children Opening