Mike Lew – author of “Victims no longer: the Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse”

2 Day workshop for professionals;

1 day workshop for men who are recovering

October 8th and 9th 2014;

October 10th for men who are recovering

Halifax, Nova Scotia Location TBA

Workshop Themes include:

• Sexual abuse, men, masculinity, feelings

• Confronting and dealing with the after-effects

• Managing recovery and relationships with self and


• Trust, intimacy, sex and sexuality

• Clergy and institutional abuse

• Confrontation, forgiveness and moving on

• Professional responsibility and self-care

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Counsellors, social workers, family therapists, psychologists, workers in men’s health, the armed forces and justice, clergy, crisis phone counsellors, students and academics.

More Info: Wendy Keen, New Start Counselling. 902 423 4675 ex2 or newstartwk@eastlink.ca

Registration: Brenda Fisher, Bridges Institute 902-897-6665 or bridges@bridgesinstitute.org