The Odyssey for Equality Posts #21 – 25
Report by Dr. James Brown
My presentation at the community centre in Ramara, Ontario was very successful. Participants indicated that they had enjoyed it and learned from it. We even sang The Gizmo Song, from The Adventures of Jack and Gizmo series of children’s “Book for Boys.” The next event in the Odyssey For Equality series is a family book reading and sing along at the public library in Ramara, Ontario. Jack, Gizmo and the boys will be there, along with their trusty manager. Fun for the whole family! Admission is FREE!
Does anyone see a connection? (21)
The research shows that children come to identify activities as girls’ activities or boys’ activities, not by what they are told, but rather by what they experience. In elementary schools, virtually the entire staff is female, and the activities that are seen as desirable or even acceptable are those generally engaged in by girls. Many boys see schooling as a girls’ activity, and are disengaged by schooling. Does anyone see a connection?
Does anyone see a connection? (22)
The research shows, in general, that boys and girls have different learning styles. Virtually all school systems operate on the belief that there is one “best” teaching approach. The approach generally favoured is the one that most teachers succeeded with when they were students. Almost all elementary school teachers were little girls when they were elementary school students. Children are expected to adopt a learning style that matches the teaching style of the teacher. Many boys come to hate school. Does anyone see a connection?
Does anyone see a connection? (23)
Behaviour that is considered normal for boys when they are not in school is often considered unacceptable when they are in school. Behaviour that is considered normal for girls when they are not in school is considered to be desirable when they are in school. Boys often see school as a place where women teachers favour little girls and insist that they conduct themselves as if they were little girls. Many boys come to hate school. Does anyone see a connection?
The Odyssey for Equality continues!
On May 2, at 10:30 am, Jack, Gizmo and the boys will be hosting a family book reading and sing along at the public library in Ramara, Ontario. The library is on highway 12, SE of Orillia, Ontario. This event is FREE and it will be fun for people of all ages. Tell your friends. Better yet, bring your friends.
Does anyone see a connection? (24)
Equality means equality for everyone is more than just a catchy slogan, especially when it comes to education. Inequality in school results in a lifetime of inequality for many. In many provinces in Canada, we have publicly-funded faith-based schools. One would hope that those schools would treat the issue as a priority. On April 28, 2014, Pope Francis was quoted as saying, “Inequality is the root of social evil.” Are the schools taking this to heart, or is the education system exempt from dealing with the Pope’s message about inequality? Does anyone see a connection?
Does anyone see a connection? (25)
There appears to be a significant gulf between what many teachers – who are mostly women – want to teach, and what is of interest to their male students. Understandably, teachers tend to assume that their students will be interested in those things that interested them when they were students. Unfortunately for boys, this is simply not the case. This lack of interest results in less engagement and less effort. Not surprisingly, it also leads to lower marks in school. Does anyone see a connection?
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