Can You Help Build a Men’s Issues Society at Ryerson University?

Mountain View

The Canadian Centre for Men and Families will be joining with students to sponsor a special presentation and discussion event at Ryerson University. We could use your help to make this a success.The event will be opened by Eleanor Levine, mental health counsellor and CCMF advisor. It will be aimed at those dissatisfied with the way men are portrayed on campus with the hope of bringing a new perspective to the gender dialogue, one free from dogma or ideology.

Thursday, February 26th at 7pm. We will be meeting at the main entrance to the Hub Cafe Market on the 1st Floor of Jorgenson Hall at 380 Victoria Street.

Current students, grad students, staff, faculty and alumni of Ryerson University are especially encouraged to attend. However all community members are welcome as we could use your help in building this group.

Please RSVP if you intend to join us.
– Canadian Centre for Men and Families