CCMF Academic Research Project Consent and Demographic Collection
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs provided to clients by CCMF at an academic level. We will also use this data to support program improvement, advocacy work, and grant writing. We are inviting all clients to participate. Survey follow-ups will be conducted periodically. The surveys are close-ended questionnaires asking about general demographic information, and your quality of life at different stages of your program participation.
Data regarding your demographics, mental well-being, and quality of life will be collected. The questionnaires, over the program timeline, will determine if the programs provided by CCMF are positively impacting one’s improved quality of life. The average time to collect the data for the survey is approximately 1 hour. Client identity will only be used internally to CCMF for data tracking. ALL your data will be stored in a secure system. Client anonymity will be maintained and enforced in all study reports, and public facing data. Your identity will not be shared with academics analyzing your data.
This evaluation survey is voluntary, and participants are welcome to withdraw their consent at any time. If you do feel at any time that the survey questions are causing any form of distress, please inform the designated research assistant for guidance.
To participate, you must be minimum 18 years of age, a client of CCMF, and willing to participate voluntarily.
Please fill out the following form
CCMF Legal Fund
Public Policy
Justin Trottier, Executive Director
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
We received intervenor status in our first case before the Supreme Court of Canada.
In R v Langan, our legal team offered unique testimony on the use of male gender stereotypes in ascertaining credibility and argued before the highest court that false and damaging beliefs about male sexual insatiability should be seen as the male equivalents to the established rape myths.
Support the CCMF Legal Fund
This first success in receiving intervenor status makes it easier for CCMF to apply for standing in future cases and could allow us to impact landmark legal decisions that affect thousands of families. But only with your help.
Dr. James Brown's Odyssey for Equality, Sponsored by CCMF
Public Policy
Justin Trottier, Executive Director
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
After a forty year career in education, during which he has held virtually every position possible in the profession, Dr. James S. Brown is currently undertaking a new project aimed at raising public awareness about the issue of gender equality, especially as it applies in education. He has begun a multi-country tour, speaking with educational and community leaders about the problem of the increasing degree to which boys are underachieving in and disengaged by school, and the long-term consequences of our society’s apparent lack of interest in issues which impact disproportionately on boys.
The tour, which he is calling his Odyssey for Equality, includes stops in the UK, in a number of states in the USA, and in most of the Canadian provinces. The major theme is the problem of the underachievement of boys in school, its causes, consequences and solutions. Dr. Brown has already addressed groups in Florida in the USA, in Norwich and London in the UK, and in various locations in southern Ontario. He has an extensive schedule of meetings and presentations in Ontario in May and June, and in the western provinces in July and August. Please check the schedule and watch for the tour as it arrives in a location near you this summer.
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families is a proud sponsor of the “Odyssey for Equality” currently being undertaken by our Advisory Fellow Dr. James Brown. In ongoing instalments on these CCMF blogs, James will update us on his travels, as he raises awareness of the educational issues facing boys in Canada. Here is his schedule and below is his first report:
July 3 – North Bay
July 4 – Sault Ste Marie
July 5 – Marathon
July 6 – Thunder Bay
July 7 – Ignace
July 8 – Kenora
July 9 – 10 – Winnipeg
July 10, 7:00 pm
Meeting Room 1
Sir William Stephenson Branch, Winnipeg Public Library
765 Keewatin Street
July 11 – Moosomin
July 12 – 14 – Regina
Sat July 13 Regina 10:30 am
Large Meeting Room 1
William Bothwell Branch, Regina Public Library
Southland Mall, 2965 Gordon Rd
July 15 – 19 – Medicine Hat
July 20 Lethbridge 10:30 am
Friends Meeting Room 1
Crossings Branch, Lethbridge Public Library
255 Britannia Blvd West
July 21 – Strathmore
July 22 -23 – Calgary
July 23 Calgary 6:30 pm
Meeting Room 1
Memorial Park Branch, Calgary Public Library,
1221- 2nd Street SW
July 24 – 25 – Banff
Fri 26 – Red Deer
Sat 27 – Drayton Valley
July 27 Red Deer 10:30 am
Snell Auditorium
Main Branch, Red Deer Public Library
4818 – 49th Street
Red Deer
July 28 – 30 Edmonton
July 29 Edmonton 7:00 pm
Edmonton Room
Stan Milner Branch
Edmonton Public Library
7 Winston Churchill Square
July 31 – Lloydminster
July 31 Lloydminster 7:00 pm Meeting Room 1
Main Branch,
Lloydminster Public Library
Lower Level, Atrium Centre
5010 – 49th Street
August 1 – 2 – Saskatoon
Aug 1 Saskatoon 7:00 pm
Frances Morrison Branch, Saskatoon Public Library
311 – 23rd Street East
July 3 – Yorkton/Regina
July 4 – Regina
July 5 – Winnipeg
July 6 – Ignace
July 7 – Thunder Bay
July 8 – Marathon
July 9 – Sault Ste Marie
July 10 – Sudbury
July 11 – Brechin
My Odyssey for Equality in EducationMy Odyssey is underway! For the past two months (March – April), and continuing for the next four months (May – August), I have been and will be meeting with educational and community leaders in an effort to raise awareness about the increasing degree to which some children, most often boys, are underachieving in our schools. While school systems are making efforts to deal with the inequality that this represents, there appears to be little appetite for information from any groups outside of the system. The approach that is being used appears to be “more of the same.” Meanwhile, many other options are available. The Odyssey will encourage leaders in many fields related to children to share information and ideas.
As my travels unfold, I will provide regular reports so that those that are interested can share in my adventure with me.
Inequality starts early; fortunately, equality also starts early. Be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.