Media Bias: A Study on Gender-Specific Approaches to Reported Violent Acts
Authored by Jeiny Ruiz and Angel E. Alvarez
Click here for the full Report
Inspired by 1990’s Adam Jones ́article The Globe and Male, we decided to expand the initiative of analyzing media attention to the ̈physical suffering and institutionalized victimization of women in North American society.¨[1]. Our objective was to determine how perceived media bias has changed, if at all.
There is an embedded variation or a natural error associated to a study that relies on perceived media bias. For example, Mr. Jones’ criteria for his perceptions of media bias may probably differ from that of any other person’s perception of bias. Such a difference might be due to a possible range of factors such as culture and societal preconceptions.
Strategies previously identified by Mr. Jones[1] were re-evaluated two decades later , as described in our methodology. At the same time, we incorporated a statistical approach by collecting data that could be used as crucial variables in a matrix format and obtained correlations that were then analyzed to test potential hypotheses.
It is important to highlight that we abide by the fact that articles selected here for analysis are not necessarily representative of the Globe and Mail’s overall coverage of social issues nor the evidence presented in this report serve as proof of bias in media in Canada.
The legacy that we hope to leave after this research is to further explore understudied contemporary topics with a social concern, such as is the case for male experience.