In 2023-2024, the Canadian Centre for Men and Families partnered with the University of British Columbia on a research project designed to deliver male-inclusive suicide prevention workshops across British Columbia.

The Report by lead researcher Thalia Lang, B.A. Honours and Dr. Daniel Cox, Ph.D., is available here:

Male-Inclusive Suicide Response Training Program Program Evaluation Report

Executive Summary

Despite men having the highest rates of suicide in Canada (Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2022), there are lacking suicide prevention trainings which provide psychoeducation and skills training about how to effectively support men at risk for suicide. This project collaborated with the Canadian Centre for Men and Families Vancouver to offer free Male-Inclusive Suicide Response Training Program workshops across British Columbia to mental health professionals, volunteers, and community members. These workshops aimed to enhance suicide prevention response skills within our local communities, create opportunities to destigmatize men’s mental health, and increase social support for men at risk for suicide within local communities.