Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families expects of all directors, employees and volunteers ethical, businesslike and lawful conduct. This commitment includes behaviour consistent with the values of the organization and its underlying principles.
A. Overview
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families is a charitable organization registered with the Canada Revenue Agency with the following mission:
- To advance education by providing classes, workshops, seminars and lectures on gender issues; and
- To advance education by providing books, equipment, and educational aids to students; and
- To advance education by maintaining a lending library of literary and multimedia resources accessible to the public; and
- To advance education by conducting research in gender studies and making the results publicly available.
- To promote health by providing the public with mental health and social services, including counselling, information and group support programs.
- To address and prevent problems faced by families and youth by establishing, operating and maintaining residential facilities and accommodations for individuals and families affected by family violence.
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families’ mission, vision and values informs and establishes the foundations of its organizational principles and philosophy.
All CCMF personnel are obliged to sign this Code of Conduct, and must be familiar with and adhere to the provisions of this Code of Conduct as well as those of related policies referred to herein and as communicated by CCMF from time to time, which are integrated with this Code of Conduct.
B. Definitions
“client” means any individual or organization to whom a director, employee or volunteer extends service or interacts with in the course of his or her role on behalf of CCMF, and may include program participants, members, donors, and supporters.
“CCMF Community” means any and all clients, personnel, members, directors, donors, supporters and all those individuals and organizations who have a responsibility toward CCMF and an interest in its success.
“employee” includes any consultant, worker supplied by an agency, part-time casual worker, student or intern, and any other person (other than a volunteer) who is engaged in the operations of CCMF, but does not include employees or representatives of any partner agency or supplier of goods or services.
“volunteer” means any person who gives unpaid service to CCMF on a one off or regular basis; volunteer includes all directors
“personnel” includes all “employees” and “volunteers”; personnel may also be referred to as “internal stakeholders”
“directors” refer to the CCMF “Board of Directors”
C. Procedural Details
1. Principles
Personnel are required to:
a) Uphold principles and values as adopted and communicated by CCMF, and promote and support the work of CCMF;
b) Respect all standards regarding the use of CCMF’s logo and identity and report any observed misuse of these following reporting procedures;
c) Respect and promote respect for CCMF;
d) At all times, while wearing official insignia or representing CCMF in any way, adopt a respectful attitude toward others.
e) Endeavour to maintain a public persona and conduct consistent with CCMF’s mission, vision, principles and values.
f) Endeavour to comply with all CCMF policies and procedures as issued and communicated by CCMF from time-to-time.
2. General Conduct
Personnel will:
a) At all times, act with honesty, integrity, diligence and transparency;
b) Contribute to a positive and healthy environment for all individual and collective members of CCMF’s Community, including interpersonal respect, appreciation of differences and respect for human dignity;
c) At all times, maintain a standard of conduct which is in keeping with the policies and procedures of CCMF and which is aimed at preventing harm and promoting education and freedom.
d) Discharge all duties with integrity, observe all instructions and directions from supervisors and strive towards attaining a high standard of responsibility and achievement; work collaboratively and cooperatively with all personnel;
e) Respect the confidentiality of personal and privileged information;
f) Abide by the laws of Canada, as well as those of the province, territory and country in which they reside and/or operate, and expect no support from CCMF if they willingly or recklessly contravene such laws;
g) Except with authorization, ensure that actions do not result in financial or other liability for CCMF;
h) At no time act or speak in a manner which may implicate CCMF as a non-peaceful or non-tolerant organization;
i) Ensure that all commitments are entered into in accordance with CCMF by-laws, policies and practices, including all appropriate consultations, tendering and approvals;
j) Administer with care the funds and supplies entrusted to them and account for such use of funds and supplies;
k) Not give out any information to media or other external parties, unless within the scope of duties or otherwise authorized to do so;
3. Client Relationships:
The relationship between personnel and clients requires personnel to understand their unique position of authority and perceived power. Personnel have a duty to ensure that vulnerable clients are treated with confidentiality, integrity, honesty, dignity and respect.
When providing programs and services, personnel are required to:
a) Treat clients in a manner that maintains dignity and respects their individual perspectives on matters of religion, sexual orientation or identity, culture, customs and habits; CCMF personnel are not obligated to support, affirm or disaffirm client perspectives but are obligated to respect the rights of others to hold these perspectives.
b) Provide service and assistance within the organization’s policies, procedures, directives and guidelines;
c) Understand the client’s vulnerability and dependency on personnel to provide assistance, education or training, and to act accordingly. This includes the recognition that personal relationships outside the scope of a professional relationship may not be in the best interests of either party or CCMF;
d) Provide assistance, education and training regardless of race, colour, national or ethnic origin, language, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, physical characteristics, philosophy, religion, political opinions or other ground of discrimination prohibited under applicable provincial, federal or international human rights law;
e) Respect the client’s privacy with respect to their personal information, image and property;
4. Breaches Regarded as Misconduct:
The following behaviour or actions are considered acts of misconduct:
a) Action or speech which is humiliating, neglectful, insubordinate, dishonest, threatening, degrading, bullying, exploitive, illegal, bigoted or prejudiced;
b) Sexual relationships or activity with vulnerable clients of CCMF and to whom a duty of service, education or training is provided or which are based on an unequal power relationship or with a counterpart who can confer benefit.
c) Intentional misuse of CCMF’s logo or identity;
d) Breach of applicable Canadian, foreign national or international law intended for the protection of children or other vulnerable persons;
e) Exercising any professional activity without valid certification(s);
f) Engaging in, or being associated with, any business or activity which is, or may be, detrimental to and/or destructively targeting of CCMF;
g) Disclosing without authorization, directly or indirectly, to any person or organization, the private affairs of CCMF including, but not limited to, trade secrets, supplier lists, or personal information of clients, volunteers or employees;
5. Reporting of Breaches:
a) Personnel are obliged to contribute to an environment which prevents misconduct and promotes the implementation of appropriate behaviour as defined in this Code of Conduct.
b) Where any personnel develop concerns regarding a potential breach by a colleague he/she is required to report such concerns to the President. If the President is suspected of involvement, the case should be brought to the Board of Directors.
c) Personnel reporting a breach are encouraged to put their name to their reports. Anonymous allegations are much less credible, but they will be considered in light of the seriousness of the alleged breach.
d) The President is required to investigate any alleged or reported breach of the Code of Conduct, complete a report stating the nature of the allegation, how they have dealt with it and any recommendations for changes within CCMF; this report will be submitted to the Board of Directors.
e) Any report which implicates the President will be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to investigate; any report which implicates a member or members of the Board of Directors will be investigated in such a manner to exclude named individuals from influencing the investigation.
6. Fair Treatment
A reported concern will be handled fairly with respect to any individual named, taking into account the seriousness of the issue raised, the credibility of the information or allegations, and the prospects of an effective investigation.
7. Protection from Retaliation
No one shall be penalized, discharged, suspended, threatened, harassed, or discriminated against for communicating information about a suspected breach of the Code of Conduct. Any act of retaliation by any director, employee or volunteer of CCMF will be treated as misconduct.
All reports of incidents that are made maliciously, for personal gain, for any ulterior motive or otherwise not in good faith will also be treated as misconduct.
8. Confidentiality
All reported concerns will be treated as confidential to the fullest extent permitted by law. Persons are encouraged to give their names with any information they communicate, as this will usually assist in the investigation of the matter disclosed. However, consideration will also be given to information reported anonymously. Information communicated will be disclosed only to those persons who have a need to know in order to properly respond to the reported concern.
9. Fraud and Sexual Exploitation/Abuse or Any Form of Discrimination
Where misconduct involves a potential act or acts of fraud, sexual exploitation or abuse or any form of discrimination whatsoever, personnel have a duty to report the misconduct.
10. Off-Duty Conduct
Personnel may be seen as CCMF representatives at any time, even when off-duty. Off-duty activities which, in the absence of evidence demonstrating reasonable justification or motivation, adversely affect staff, volunteers or CCMF’s Community, or which, when seen through the eyes of a reasonable observer, discredit CCMF, are also breaches of the Code of Conduct.
11. Disciplinary Action
A breach of the Code of Conduct is subject to disciplinary or legal action in accordance with applicable policies and procedures as approved by the Board of Directors from time to time. The nature of disciplinary action will take into account harm to the individual, harm to CCMF and its reputation, and whether or not there was an unequal power relationship. Disciplinary action includes dismissal, where circumstances warrant.
12. Responsibilities
a) The President is responsible for advising CCMF’s Community as regards to the maintaining, monitoring, and revising of this policy.
b) Members of the Board of Directors are responsible for overseeing, applying and implementing this policy in each of their respective jurisdictions.
Code of Ethics
CCMF will conduct its business honestly and ethically wherever we operate in the world. We will constantly improve the quality of our services, products and operations and will create a reputation for honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust and sound business judgment. Illegal or unethical conduct on the part of officers, directors, volunteer, employees or affiliates is never in the best interest of CCMF. CCMF will not compromise its principles for short-term advantage. The ethical performance of CCMF is the sum of the ethics of the men and women who volunteer here. Thus, we are all expected to adhere to high standards of personal integrity.
Officers, directors, volunteers and employees of CCMF must never permit their personal interests to conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of CCMF, its clients or affiliates. Officers, directors, volunteers and employees must be particularly careful to avoid representing CCMF in any transaction with others with whom there is any outside business affiliation or relationship. Officers, directors, volunteers and employees shall avoid using their CCMF contacts to advance their private business or personal interests at the expense of CCMF, its clients or affiliates.
Conflict of interest includes situations where a CCMF volunteer is also engaged in a volunteer relationship with another organization, including other non-profit or charitable organizations with related or overlapping mandates to CCMF. Where CCMF volunteers have multiple organizational relationships, they must put the interests of CCMF first while they are operating in their capacity as CCMF volunteers.
No bribes, kickbacks or other similar remuneration or consideration shall be given to any person or organization in order to attract or influence business activity. Officers, directors, volunteers and employees shall avoid gifts, gratuities, fees, bonuses or excessive entertainment, in order to attract or influence business activity.
Officers, directors, volunteers and employees of CCMF will often come into contact with, or have possession of, proprietary, confidential or business-sensitive information and must take appropriate steps to assure that such information is strictly safeguarded. This information – whether it is on behalf of CCMF or any of our clients or affiliates – could include strategic business plans, operating results, marketing strategies, client lists, personnel records, upcoming acquisitions and divestitures, new investments, and manufacturing costs, processes and methods. Proprietary, confidential and sensitive business information about CCMF, other companies, individuals and entities should be treated with sensitivity and discretion and only be disseminated on a need-to-know basis.
Officers, directors, volunteers and employees agree to disclose unethical, dishonest, fraudulent and illegal behavior, or the violation of company policies and procedures, directly to management.
Violation of this Code of Ethics can result in discipline, including possible termination of the volunteer relationship. The degree of discipline relates in part to whether there was a voluntary disclosure of any ethical violation and whether or not the violator cooperated in any subsequent investigation.
Work and Volunteer Rules
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families wants to encourage a safe and pleasant work-and-volunteer atmosphere that promotes satisfaction, respect, responsibility and value for all our employees, volunteers, clients and other stakeholders.
This can only happen when everyone cooperates and commits to appropriate standards of behavior. Every employee and volunteer at CCMF has a shared responsibility toward improving the quality of the work and volunteer environment.
By agreeing to work or volunteer at CCMF you have agreed to follow CCMF’s rules and to refrain from conduct which is detrimental to our goals. The prohibited conduct that is listed below is not an inclusive list. Moreover, CCMF does not limit its right to discipline or discharge employees or volunteers to the prohibited conduct listed below. Remember that, while we value our employees and volunteers, CCMF maintains the right to terminate its employees or volunteers at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.
The following is a list of behaviors that CCMF considers unacceptable. Any employee or volunteer found engaging in these behaviors will be subject to disciplinary actions including reprimand, warning, layoff, or dismissal:
- Failure to be at the agreed-upon location, ready to volunteer or work, at the agreed-upon starting time.
- Willfully damaging, destroying, or stealing property belonging to volunteers or employees or to CCMF.
- Fighting or engaging in horseplay or disorderly conduct.
- Insubordination, including but not limited to, refusal or failure to perform a requested or required job or volunteer task.
- Ignoring duties or loafing during volunteering or working hours.
- Coming to volunteer or work under the influence of alcohol or any drug, or possessing, using, selling, negotiating the sale of, or being under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other controlled substances while working or volunteering for CCMF.
- Intentionally giving any false or misleading information to obtain employment or to enter a volunteer relationship.
- Using threatening or abusive language toward a volunteer or employee.
- Falsifying any record, including that of your work or volunteer hours, or those of another employee or volunteer, or falsifying other employment or volunteer- related documents including, but not limited to, personnel files, employment review documents, intra-company communication, communications with those outside the company, expense records, etc.
- Smoking in CCMF premises
- Willfully or habitually violating safety or health regulations.
- Using CCMF equipment in an unauthorized manner, including unauthorized or excessive use of company property
- Possessing firearms, weapons or any other potentially hazardous or dangerous property, without prior authorization, while volunteer or working for CCMF or while on CCMF property.
- Theft or destruction of CCMF property.
- Disclosure of company trade secrets or any other confidential or proprietary information of the company, its customers or fellow employees.
- Failure to follow, or general neglect of, safety rules and procedures.
- Solicitation of fellow employees or volunteers on the CCMF premises.
- Failure to keep your workplace in a neat and sanitary condition.
- Use of obscene or otherwise inappropriate language or conduct.
- Off-duty conduct which can affect CCMF’s credibility or reputation.
- Gambling on CCMF premises.
- Taking unauthorized gratuities in connection with CCMF business.
- Lending keys to CCMF property to unauthorized persons or allowing duplicate keys to be made, without authorization.
- Harassment of, or discrimination against, an employee, volunteer or client
- Bad-mouthing or spreading rumors.
If you have any questions about your personal conduct or that of any fellow employee or volunteer, immediately consult your supervisor for clarification.
CCMF encourages a system of progressive discipline depending on the type of prohibited conduct. CCMF is not required to engage in progressive discipline and may discipline or terminate an employee or volunteer where he or she violates the rules of conduct, or where the quality or value of their work fails to meet expectations.
As part of our progressive discipline system, and based on the nature of the employee or volunteer violation, management will attempt to provide the employee/volunteer first with a verbal warning, then one or more written warnings, and if the conduct is not sufficiently altered, eventual demotion, transfer, forced leave or termination. Your supervisor will make every effort possible to allow you to respond to any disciplinary action taken. Understand that CCMF is not obligated to follow any disciplinary or grievance procedure and that you may be disciplined or terminated without going through any procedure.
Signature and Title: __________________________
Date: ______________________________________
Donor Bill of Rights
Donor Bill of Rights
Click on Download below.
CCMF has adopted its Code of Ethics and Donor Bill of Rights from the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).
Documents are reproduced with permission.
© 1964, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
Board of Directors Approval Date: May 11, 2017
Given CCMF’s focus on advancing education by providing evidence-based research and balanced information, and conducting inclusive conversations, it is acknowledged that access to CCMF’s information and services should be available to speakers of both of Canada’s two official languages (English and French). CCMF is committed to making available its key educational materials in both languages and with providing services in an official language wherever there is a substantial population speaking this language. We will implement this policy as far as we can given our financial and human resources.
Code of Ethical Principles & Standards
Code of Ethical Principles & Standards
Click on Download below.
CCMF has adopted its Code of Ethics and Donor Bill of Rights from the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).
Documents are reproduced with permission.
© 1964, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
Issued/Developed by: Justin Trottier
Date of Board of Directors Approval: December 13, 2018
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families is committed to providing an environment in which all members, volunteers, staff, clients and guests are treated with respect and dignity. Harassment will not be tolerated. This policy applies to all those who enter premises under the control of CCMF as well as individuals while they are acting on behalf of CCMF.
The provisions of this policy in no way affect the rights of any person to exercise his or her rights under the Canadian Human Rights Code as applicable.
Harassment means engaging in a single serious instance or a course of repeated or persistent behaviour that would be recognized by a reasonable person as aggressive, threatening, or vexatious.
A report of a complaint of harassment must be made in writing using the appropriate CCMF Incident Report and Investigation Form. The form can be downloaded here.
The incident report shall include the following information:
1. Name(s) and contact information of the complainant.
2. Name of the accused, position and contact information (if known)
3. Names of the witness(es) (if any) or other person(s) with relevant information to provide about the incident (if any) and contact information (if known)
4. Details of what happened including date(s), frequency and location(s) of the incident(s).
5. Any supporting documents that are relevant to the complaint.
6. List any documents a witness, another person or the alleged harasser may have in their possession that are relevant to the complaint.
A complaint of harassment should be reported as soon as possible after it occurs, so that the incident may be investigated in a timely manner.
A report of a complaint should be made to your CCMF Branch Director. If you do not report to a CCMF Branch Director, report the incident to the CCMF National Executive Director.
If the complainant’s supervisor or reporting contact is the accused, contact the National Executive Director or, if this person is implicated in the incident, contact the Chairperson of CCMF’s Board of Directors.
The investigation shall be completed by the complainant’s supervisor. The investigation must be completed in a timely manner, within 90 days unless there are extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness, complex investigation) warranting a longer investigation.
The person conducting the investigation will, at a minimum, complete the following:
1. Thoroughly interview the complainant and the accused.
2. Give the accused an opportunity to respond to the specific allegations raised by the complainant. In some circumstances, the complainant should be given a reasonable opportunity to reply.
3. Interview any relevant witnesses identified by either party or as necessary to conduct a thorough investigation.
4. Collect and review any relevant documents.
5. Take appropriate notes and statements during interviews.
6. Prepare a written report summarizing the steps taken during the investigation, the complaint, the response from the alleged harasser, the evidence of any witnesses, and the evidence gathered. The report must set out findings of fact and come to a conclusion about whether the harassment was found or not.
Within 10 days of the investigation being completed, the complainant and the alleged harasser shall be notified of the results of the investigation and of any corrective action that has been taken or that will be taken.
Information about complaints and incidents shall be kept confidential to the extent possible. Information obtained about an incident or complaint of harassment, including identifying information about any individuals involved, will not be disclosed unless disclosure is necessary to protect an individual, to investigate the complaint or incident, to take corrective action or otherwise as required by law.
While the investigation is on-going, the worker who has allegedly experienced harassment, the alleged harasser(s) and any witnesses should not discuss the incident or complaint or the investigation with each other, other workers or witnesses unless necessary to obtain advice about their rights. The investigator may discuss the investigation and disclose the incident or complaint-related information only as necessary to conduct the investigation. All records of the investigation will be kept confidential.
The employer (human resources or designated person) will keep records of the investigation including:
1. a copy of the complaint or details about the incident;
2. a record of the investigation including notes;
3. a copy of the investigation report (if any);
4. a summary of the results of the investigation that was provided to the worker who allegedly experienced the workplace harassment and the alleged harasser, if a worker of the employer;
5. a copy of any corrective action taken to address the complaint or incident of workplace harassment.
General Safety, Drug/Alcohol & Violence Prevention
General Safety, Drug/Alcohol & Violence Prevention
Date of issue: October 23, 2014
Issued/Developed by: Justin Trottier
Board of Directors Approval Date: October 23, 2014
Health and Safety Policy
The employer and senior management of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families (CCMF) are vitally interested in the health and safety of its workers and volunteers. Protection of workers from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing objective. CCMF will make every effort to provide a safe, healthy work environment. All employers, supervisors and workers must be dedicated to the continuing objective of reducing risk of injury.
CCMF as employer, is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. As CEO, I give you my personal commitment that I will comply with my duties under the Act, such as taking every reasonable precaution for the protection of workers in the workplace. Supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors are subject to various duties in the workplace, including the duty to ensure that machinery and equipment are safe and that workers work in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures.
Every worker must protect his or her own health and safety by working in compliance with the law and with safe work practices and procedures established by the employer. Workers will receive information, training and competent supervision in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety. It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety must form an integral part of this organization, from the president to the workers.
Justin Trottier
“workplace” means any property or premise under the control of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families. Workplace includes but is not limited to all activities that occur within the Canadian Centre for Men and Families. Workplace provisions apply to all volunteers.
1. Safety – General Policy
We take your safety seriously and any willful or habitual violation of safety rules will be considered cause for dismissal. In this regard, it is important that adequate policies and procedures be developed and adhered to in order to ensure safe, efficient operating conditions, thereby safeguarding employees, volunteers, clients and facilities. Help yourself and others by reporting unsafe conditions or hazards immediately.
2. Injuries
All employees and volunteers are required to immediately report all occupational illnesses or injuries to your supervisor, no matter how minor.
3. Specific safety rules and guidelines
To ensure your safety, and that of all employees and volunteers, please observe and obey the following rules and guidelines:
- Observe and practice the safety procedures established for the job.
- In case of sickness or injury, no matter how slight, report at once to your supervisor. In no case should an employee or volunteers treat his own or someone else’s injuries.
- In case of injury resulting in possible fracture to legs, back, or neck, or any accident resulting in an unconscious condition, or a severe head injury, the employee or volunteer is not to be moved until medical attention has been given by authorized personnel.
- Pile materials or equipment so as not to block aisles, exits, fire-fighting equipment, electric lighting or power panel, valves, etc.
- Keep your work area clean.
- Do not smoke in CCMF premises, including the Canadian Centre for Men and Families.
- Running and horseplay are strictly forbidden.
- Do not tamper with electric controls or switches.
- Do not engage in such other practices as may be inconsistent with ordinary and reasonable common-sense safety rules.
- Report any UNSAFE condition or acts to your supervisor.
- Use designated passages when moving from one place to another; never take hazardous shortcuts.
- Lift properly—use your legs, not your back. For heavier loads, ask for assistance.
- Do not throw objects.
- Place trash and paper in proper containers.
- If necessary use the first aid supplies provided in the small office
4. Safety checklist
It’s every individual’s responsibility to be on the lookout for possible hazards. If you spot one of the conditions on the following list – or any other possible hazardous situation – report it to your supervisor immediately.
- Slippery floors and walkways
- Tripping hazards
- Missing (or inoperative) entrance and exit signs and lighting
- Poorly lighted stairs
- Loose handrails or guardrails
- Loose or broken windows
- Dangerously piled supplies or equipment
- Open or broken windows
- Unlocked doors and gates
- Electrical equipment left operating
- Open doors on electrical panels
- Leaks of steam, water, oil, etc.
- Blocked aisles
- Blocked fire extinguishers, hose sprinkler heads
- Blocked fire doors
- Evidence of any equipment running hot or overheating
- Evidence of smoking in CCMF premises, including the Canadian Centre for Men and Families
- Roof leaks
- Directional or warning signs not in place
- Safety devices not operating properly
5. Communicating healthy and safety concerns
If you have any concerns regarding health and safety matters please contact Justin Trottier, CCMF CEO, at or calling 647-479-9611.
6. Other related policies
Below are the Drugs and Alcohol Policy and the Violence Prevention Policy. Please also familiarize yourself with the following additional policies:
CCMF Checklist: Ergonomics Issues
CCMF Checklist: Emergency Instructions
CCMF Sexual Harassment Policy
7. Other information
For questions regarding workplace safety please refer to the Ontario Ministry of Labour at 1-877-202-0008 or visit the website at healthandsafetyatwork For general information about workplace health and safety contact one of the following health and safety system partners: Workers Health and Safety Centre Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Health and Safety Ontario
Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Our policy is to employ a volunteer force free from alcohol abuse or the use of illegal drugs. CCMF takes drug and alcohol abuse as a serious matter and will not tolerate it. CCMF absolutely prohibits the use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs while on CCMF premises. The use, sale or possession of alcohol or drugs while volunteering for CCMF or on CCMF premises will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of the volunteer relationship, and may have legal consequences. If you have a drug or alcohol problem, please ask for our help!
Violence Prevention Policy
a. Zero tolerance
CCMF has a policy of zero tolerance for violence. If you engage in any violence in CCMF premises, or threaten violence, your employment or volunteer relationship will be terminated immediately for cause. No talk of violence or joking about violence will be tolerated.
“Violence” includes physically harming another, shoving, pushing, harassing, intimidating, coercing, brandishing weapons, and threatening or talking of engaging in those activities. It is the intent of this policy to ensure that everyone associated with CCMF, including employees, volunteers and clients, never feels threatened by anyone’s actions or conduct.
b. Workplace security measures
In an effort to fulfill this commitment to a safe environment for employees, volunteers and clients, a few simple rules have been created. These are:
- Access to the company’s property is limited to those with a legitimate business interest.
- All visitors and clients must announce their presence at reception immediately upon entry.
c. All weapons banned
The company specifically prohibits the possession of weapons by any employee, volunteer or client while on CCMF property. Employees and volunteers are also prohibited from carrying a weapon while performing services off CCMF’s business premises.
Weapons include guns, knives, explosives, and other items with the potential to inflict harm. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy.
d. Inspections
All equipment within the Canadian Centre for Men and Families or in possession of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families is the property of the business. We reserve the right to enter or inspect your volunteer or work area including, but not limited to, desks and computer storage disks, with or without notice.
The fax, copier, and mail systems, including e-mail, are intended for business use. Personal business should not be conducted through these systems. Under conditions approved by management, telephone conversations may be monitored and voice mail messages may be retrieved in the process of monitoring customer service.
Any private conversations overheard during such monitoring, or private messages retrieved, that constitute threats against other individuals can and will be used as the basis for termination of employment or volunteer relationship for cause.
e. Reporting violence
It is everyone’s business to prevent violence in the workplace. You can help by reporting what you see in the workplace that could indicate that a co-worker or volunteer is in trouble.
You are encouraged to report any incident that may involve a violation of CCMF’s policies that are designed to provide a comfortable volunteer and work environment. Concerns may be presented to the President.
All reports will be investigated and information will be kept confidential.
Statement & Policy Prohibiting Discrimination
Statement & Policy Prohibiting Discrimination
Date of issue: October 23, 2014
Issued/Developed by: Justin Trottier
Board of Directors Approval Date: October 23, 2014
Overall Policy
CCMF supports the understanding that the diverse communities served by the organization contribute to the growth, enrichment and strength of CCMF and of the larger communities.
CCMF is committed to ensuring that our mission and operations embrace our entire community. CCMF encourages our community to participate fully and to have complete access to our services, Board membership and volunteer opportunities. We will make every effort to see that our structure, policies and systems reflect all aspects of the total community and to promote equal access to all.
It is the policy of CCMF to maintain a working and volunteering environment free of all forms of unlawful discrimination.
In recognition of the importance of good employee and volunteer relations, all applicants are extended an equal opportunity to gain employment and volunteer relationships and all employees and volunteers are extended an equal opportunity to progress in their field of endeavor. Employees and volunteers will be judged based on merit and value. We are committed to complying with all laws providing equal opportunities.
Equal Opportunity
We desire to keep a volunteer and work environment which is free of harassment or discrimination.
CCMF affords equal opportunity to all employees and prospective employees without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, marital status, disability, veteran status or national origin in the following employment practices: recruitment, hiring, placement, transfer, promotion, demotion, selection for training, layoff, termination, determination of service, rate of pay, benefit plans, compensation, and other personnel actions.
We value diversity and we hire employees, volunteers and directors without consideration of the above identity characteristics.
Complaint Procedure
Our company will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. Any volunteer or employee who feels that he or she has witnessed, or been subject to, any form of discrimination or harassment should immediately notify their supervisor, personnel administrator or other manager at the company. We will promptly investigate any claim and take appropriate action. We will seek to impose appropriate sanctions against any person found to be in violation of this policy. Such sanctions may include, but are not limited to, reprimand, suspension, demotion, transfer and discharge.
No Retaliation
CCMF will not retaliate nor discriminate against any employee or applicant because he or she has opposed any unlawful employment practice or filed a charge of employment discrimination, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to employment practices.
Our company prohibits retaliation against any volunteer or employee who brings forth any complaint or assists in the investigation of any complaint.
If you feel we have not resolved your complaint, and after you have followed the company grievance procedure, you can complain to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
Online Communications & Editorial Content Guidelines
Online Communications & Editorial Content Guidelines
Date of issue: October 23, 2014
Issued/Developed by: Justin Trottier
Board of Directors Approval Date: October 23, 2014
Policy for Representing CCMF through Social Media
Why does Canadian Centre for Men and Families need Online Communications Guidelines?
Today, social media has become an important part of our professional and personal lives. Most CCMF volunteers contribute to online spaces such as blogs, social networking sites, wikis, forums and photo and video sharing sites. CCMF recognizes the value of posting online content (websites, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, photos, chat rooms, forums and wikis) so it is important that CCMF members and volunteers who choose to tell their story online or contribute to online conversations understand what is recommended, expected and required.
You are representing the entire organization when you post any content online or engage in social media on behalf of CCMF. The following guidelines will help you contribute to CCMF in an open and transparent way.
Social media is continuously evolving. Therefore, this document will be updated frequently. Please remember to review these policies regularly. Any changes to these policies will be communicated to all volunteers at CCMF
How do we define social media?
You have participated in social media if you have:
- posted a comment on a blog
- posted a review or rated a product
- tweeted anything
- participated in an online poll
- posted a status update on Facebook
- created a LinkedIn profile
- shared a link on Delicious, a social bookmarking site
- posted/linked/commented to an image on Pinterest
- uploaded a video to YouTube or Vimeo
- shared an image on Flickr
- shared your location on Foursquare or Gowalla
- Upload a meetup group on
Guidelines for Online Communications and Social Media Use
- Honesty is important. Do not lie or omit the truth.
- Transparency in your conversation and activities is important. Always disclose who you are and whom you work for in both personal and professional use of social media.
- Be considerate — when in doubt, don’t post. Consider what you write as you would consider what you might say to a journalist or people you don’t know. Remember that anyone, including your colleagues, may be actively reading what you publish online. If you would not say it in these situations, don’t say it online. In choosing your words and your content, it’s a good practice to imagine that your supervisor and your family are reading everything you post.
- It’s all about judgment. Using your blog to slander or embarrass CCMF, our members or our volunteers isn’t smart or professional. If you have suggestions for improvements at CCMF, please state them constructively or better yet, go through the proper channels to air your concerns and share your suggestions.
- Avoid slanderous or libelous online activities in the official CCMF Social Media channels and personal social media profiles.
- Ensure that instances of harassment and slander which occur on any social media channel (including Facebook groups) are swiftly reported to the CCMF Board
- Respect copyright laws. Confirm that any information you are posting does not violate copyright laws and that you have permission to post any copyrighted information. Refer to fair use as defined in Canada’s Copyright Act:
- Be Generous. The Internet is all about connecting with links. So, if you see something interesting, valuable or relevant, link to it! The more you link to relevant material, the more contacts you will make and the more popular your own blog will become.
- Respect the privacy of your colleagues and volunteers. Do not disclose confidential information. Stakeholders should not be cited or obviously referenced without their approval.
- Use social media appropriately at work and make sure your online activity does not interfere with your professional commitments and your company/organization’s electronic or online communications policy.
- Make sure you understand the culture and rules – explicit and implicit – of the communities with whom you seek to engage, and respect privacy preferences.
- The CCMF National Board reserves the right to remove any post, comment or photo at any time at its discretion.
- You are encouraged to include a disclaimer similar to the following on your personal blog, blog posting, or website: “The opinions expressed on this [blog;website] are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families.” The posts on this blog are provided “as is‟ with no warranties and confer no rights.”
Issue and crisis response
There are certain rules of engagement during crisis response situations that need to be taken
into consideration. For example, deleting a post or blocking a user can often escalate the issue rather than solve it. It is important to assess the situation and determine the best way to act. If you see a comment, post, or content that you feel is inappropriate, please bring it to the attention of the CCMF Board via
Uphold the Fundamental Principles
As a volunteer for CCMF, you have already made a commitment to abide by the Mandate of the organization. Please follow these principles in your online communications.
Official Canadian Centre for Men and Families Channels
CCMF national Facebook page
CCMF branch Facebook pages
CCMF twitter account
CCMF linkedin page
CCMF google plus page
CCMF YouTube Channel
CCMF Meetup Groups
Rules of thumb for monitoring social media posts
– be consistent in policing
– the line is crossed when someone advocates violence, or engages in racial, sexist or homophobic slurs
Editorial Content Guidelines for Canadian Centre for Men and Families Social Media Representatives
CCMF social media content should reflect our mandate, the way we present ourselves, and our associated policies. Please review the following:
CCMF Mandate
CCMF Advisory Fellows
CCMF Privacy Policy
Content Guidelines
- Avoid partisan politics on official CCMF Channels*
- Don’t endorse or support any political candidate
- Keep editorial commentary unbiased in tone
- Avoid calls to action regarding partisan politics
- Edit your posts – pay attention to grammar and proper punctuation
- Engage and connect – remember, social media is about starting conversations. Be sure to connect with commenters directly, recommended within 12 to 24 hours.
- Post frequently, but don’t spam – the number of posts you make will vary depending on the size of your audience. Adjust your posting schedule accordingly and refer to the Social Media Timetable for more information.
- Pay attention to local events
Event Coverage Social Media Guidelines
- A big focus should be on integrating our social media with our blogging, so that blog posts are also being pushed through all social media channels
- Research relevant hashtags prior to the events
- List relevant twitter handles and facebook pages
- Ensure that the facebook page photo album name is clear and directly relevant to the event. All photo albums should include event title and date.
- Ensure events are listed on all social media channels including Facebook Pages and Meetup
- Tag, connect and retweet event speakers wherever possible before, during and after events.
- Ensure swift follow up and communication with event participants. Example: should a participant update their status to include their presence at your event, respond with a comment or retweet.
- Write an event review for CCMF blog posting and post the link to CCMF’s official social media channels
- Curate event’s content, which can be found using designated event’s twitter hashtag with Storify or Epilogger
Updated April 18, 2014
Policy for Users of CCMF Social Media, Website and Digital Communications
The jurisdiction for this policy includes all CCMF digital communications, including but not limited to our social media, website and google groups.
As the Canadian Centre for Men and Families builds a thriving user community, we will strive to provide a communication infrastructure that is respectful, engaging and informative. If you wish to participate in the community, we ask that you follow the guidelines below.
In order to foster constructive, respectful debate, we have established the following guidelines. Violation of any of these guidelines can result in you being blocked from communicating through our various platforms.
Please note that by using our digital communication platforms, you agree to abide by our policy and you also understand that the decision to allow your communications to be published is done at the discretion of our moderators and editorial staff.
We maintain the right to delete any and all communications at our discretion.
General Guidelines & Tips:
Be civil, respectful and courteous. Healthy debate is encouraged but we will not permit any personal attacks.
Keep it clean: Use appropriate language and etiquette. Communications which include rude or profane language will be deleted.
Don’t personally attack anyone—whether it’s their grammar, their intelligence, their name, or anything else. You can disagree with their viewpoint but don’t go after the individual.
Don’t generalize. Stay on topic.
Keep it legal: Any communications relating to legal or financial matters will be deleted. Do not share information that is known to be false, fraudulent, deceptive, inaccurate or misleading. If the post infringes or violates the privacy rights or intellectual property rights of others it will be deleted.
Keep personal info private: Please remember that much of our communications are public. For your own safety, please do not post any personal information about yourself or third parties (e.g. addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses).
Keep it spam-free: Any communications assumed to be spam will be deleted. We will delete communications that overtly promote products or services. Communications that come from the same user that are repeated or are similar in nature will also be deleted.
We want everyone who reads our stories to comment. And we especially don’t want anyone to be scared to put their thoughts out there. Our communications platforms should be open places for thoughtful and passionate discussion.
The following will get your comment deleted. Repeat offenders will be blocked from communicating:
– Posting threatening, harassing, defamatory, or libelous material
– Posting material that infringes copyright or any other intellectual property interest
– Posting links to porn sites
– Ad hominem attacks
– Sweeping generalizations
– threatening or defamatory statements, or personal attacks directed towards specific groups or individuals;
– service/product endorsements (non-commercial links related to comments are acceptable).
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families reserves the right to remove communications and block users entirely at its discretion, including for violations of these guidelines. The Canadian Centre for Men and Families is not responsible for the content of user communications.
“contact(s)” refer to individuals who have granted consent to receive regular communication from the Canadian Centre for Men and Families. Contacts may include volunteers, members, donors, event participants and service users, or any other individual who has made a request for ongoing communication.
Privacy Policy for Clients, Members and Donors
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families (CCMF) collects personal information in the course of its business which it protects and safeguards in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). CCMF is responsible for all personal information it holds and remains responsible when personal information is processed by third parties on CCMF’s behalf. This policy regulates how CCMF collects, uses, retains, transfers, discloses, provides access to and disposes of contact’s personal information. This policy does not cover collected data from which the identity of an individual cannot be determined. CCMF retains the right to use such aggregated data in ways it determines appropriate.
For questions or concerns about the CCMF Privacy Policy or practices, please contact Justin Trottier, President, at 416-479-0718
The CCMF privacy policy may change from time to time.
What is collected?
CCMF collects personal information from clients, members and donors which can include:
- name, street, and email addresses;
- telephone, fax, and credit card numbers;
- birth date, age, and proof of age;
- membership, purchase and donation history;
- medical information related to programs and services
- interests and donation preferences;
- publicly available financial information;
- personal information such as the names of family members and special interests;
- patron communications such as letters, electronic communication, or verbal feedback.
Business addresses and certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers as published in telephone directories, are not considered personal information. CCMF collects information about identifiable individuals from published or public sources for the purposes of its own fundraising activities if the information is reasonably necessary for the fundraising activities.
When is it collected?
Personal information is acquired when selling membership or merchandise, registering individuals for programs or services, processing donations or tracking attendance at events. It may also be acquired when people participate in CCMF promotions, surveys, or register to receive email bulletins. Access to the CCMF website is anonymous unless the patron voluntarily supplies information through such transactions as email, making a purchase, subscribing to an e-newsletter, or registering for programs.
Information Collected by Technology: The nature of the internet requires specific information to be exchanged between a web visitor and CCMF’s website. The information collected through website technology does not identify individuals personally. It includes:
- Internet Protocol (IP) address
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Type of Operating System (Windows, Macintosh, etc.)
- Web browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, etc.)
This information is used to identify system problems and monitor network traffic. CCMF does not attempt to link this information with the identity of the visitors to the CCMF website except when necessary to protect the service, the site, or the visitors to the site.
Parts of the CCMF website use cookies to enable the exchange of information between an individual’s web browser and the CCMF web server. Cookies enable on-line registration and indicate how an individual navigates the website. Information about user activity helps CCMF improve the site. CCMF does not use cookies to obtain personal information. Although web browsers can be set to detect or reject cookies, rejecting cookies may cause the service to be slower or to malfunction in some way.
For what purposes is the information collected?
CCMF collects personal information so we can provide notice to you of programs and services. We use this information to evaluate, plan and manage our services. We collect only as much
information as we need to fulfill our mission. Unless permitted by law, no personal information will be collected about you without first obtaining your consent to the collection and use of that information.
Personal information is used primarily for program registration as well as membership and donation transactions and to deliver tax receipts. It is also used to provide contacts with announcements about events, campaigns and news. It is also used to solicit support for development campaigns through direct mail, electronic communication, or telephone. From time to time, CCMF may use this information to conduct market research. CCMF may exchange contact lists with other like-minded or allied organizations, always through a third-party mailing house to prevent disclosure of personal information.
As a registered charitable organization, CCMF is exempt from the National Do Not Call List but is committed to ensuring that individuals do not receive an unreasonable number of letters, phone calls, or emails.
Who has access to the information?
Only authorized CCMF personnel have access to the information based on their need to deal with the information for the reasons it was obtained. When it is shared with third party agencies (such as payment processing companies, mailing houses, or professional research firms), they are bound by contract to the same privacy standard that CCMF uses, and data is provided for one-time use only.
Identifying the purposes and informing contacts
CCMF identifies the purposes for the personal information it collects and informs contacts through privacy messages which appear in print and electronic materials used to collect personal information such as donation and programming brochures, website, and email sign-up.
Consent for use of information
CCMF obtains consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information. Contacts who are informed of the CCMF’s uses of personal information through its privacy messages, and who do not ask to opt out or be removed from CCMF lists, are understood to have granted implied consent. Explicit consent (oral, written, “opt-out”, or “opt-in”) is also used.
To be removed from CCMF mail, phone, or email lists, please send a message to or call 416-479-0718. Please note that withdrawing consent to some of the contemplated uses may render it impossible for CCMF to continue to provide a service which the contact has requested.
Limiting use, disclosure, and retention of personal information
Use: Information is used for the purposes described above and no others.
Disclosure: CCMF does not sell or rent its list of patrons.
Retention: Electronic database files with purchase, service use, membership and donation history are retained as the CCMF often has decades-long relationships with its supporters and requires this information to service and recognize them appropriately.
Safeguarding information
CCMF takes technical, contractual, administrative, and physical security steps to protect the personal information in its possession. The security safeguards are appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information.
Accuracy and access
CCMF strives to keep personal information accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Upon request, CCMF will provide a contact with information on the existence, use, and disclosure of his or her personal information. The contact may verify the accuracy and completeness of the information, and have it amended as appropriate.
To notify CCMF of any such change in name, address, phone number or other personal information, please call 416-479-0718.
Customer Satisfaction
If you have any questions or concerns about the CCMF privacy policy or practices, please contact the 416-479-0718.
We are required by law to have clear policies and practices on personal information and
to post this statement. You have the right to complain to the Information and Privacy
Commissioner of Ontario if you think your rights have been violated. The commissioner can be reached at:
Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
1400‐2 Bloor Street E.
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
Statement of Values
Statement of Values
The Canadian Centre for Men and Families (CCMF) is a charitable organization registered with the Canada Revenue Agency with the following mission:
- To advance education by providing classes, workshops, seminars and lectures on gender issues; and
- To advance education by providing books, equipment, and educational aids to students; and
- To advance education by maintaining a lending library of literary and multimedia resources accessible to the public; and
- To advance education by conducting research in gender studies and making the results publicly available.
- To promote health by providing the public with mental health and social services, including counselling, information and group support programs.
- To address and prevent problems faced by families and youth by establishing, operating and maintaining residential facilities and accommodations for individuals and families affected by family violence.
The CCMF’s mission, vision and values informs and establishes the foundations of its organizational principles and philosophy. All personnel shall review this Statement of Values, and must be familiar with and demonstrate respect for its affirmations.
Details of Values
- CCMF is an open and diverse community that embraces all individuals regardless of sex,
gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance,
race, ethnicity, religion, spirituality or lack thereof. - CCMF values equality, tolerance, respect, dignity, integrity, diversity and acceptance.
- CCMF values all fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of
expression, freedom of thought, freedom of association and freedom of the press. We
encourage the respectful exchange of ideas in order to foster greater understanding. - CCMF opposes censorship in all forms.
- CCMF values dialogue and peaceful approaches to settling differences. CCMF opposes
harassment, violence and the advocacy of violence in any form. - CCMF values the human rights of each and every individual. We believe that men and
boys share a common collective interest with women and girls. We believe that through
promoting the health and welfare of any individual, all will benefit. - CCMF values people above ideas; we strive to improve the wellness of our clients,
volunteers, staff and ultimately the whole community. - CCMF is an educational charity, and is committed to providing highquality and
informative programs. - CCMF values public policy that flows from factled and evidencebased research.
Political, ideological, or specialinterest commitments should not be allowed to
undermine the broader public interest. - CCMF values excellence, undertaking to continually improve its programs based on the
feedback, input and participation of staff, volunteers, members and the public. - CCMF values transparency and accountability, undertaking to demonstrate transparency
with regard to staff, volunteers, members and the public.
- CCMF is an open and diverse community that embraces all individuals regardless of sex,
Other Matters
CCMF personnel and members are not obligated to affirm or disaffirm any beliefs, views, values, opinions or perspectives held by members of the public or other members of CCMF’s Community.
Individuals not in agreement with any perspectives, assertions or other matters contained in this Statement of Values are encouraged to express their questions, concerns or views with supporting information and evidence through CCMF’s feedback process.