Our Legal Resource Centre Fourth Month Report
We previously reported about the first month of our Legal Resource Centre. You can find the post here.
We are now going on our fourth month and we are pleased to report that we continue to see an influx of attendees. Many who are returning participants.
A majority of the attendees are men and father’s dealing with family and the criminal courts. Many of the men have spoken of being wrongly fully accused of domestic violence and facing the criminal justice system. A significant number of the attendees reported being physically and violently attacked on a regular basis by their female partners.
Many men and father’s spoke of parental alienation. Heartbreaking stories of some who have gone over 15 years without seeing their children.
The experiences communicated by these men and fathers have generated an overall similar pattern. The unequal and gender bias treatment they received by law enforcement, Children’s Aid Society and the courts.
Many men and fathers have spoken about how they approached law enforcement and Children’s Aid Society only to find little if any action taken against their female partner. Many of the men and father’s spoke of witnessing physical abuse against their children at the hands of their female partner and again no action by law enforcement and Children’s Aid Society.
Many of the men spoke of couples’ counsellors who failed to consider their concerns about domestic violence.
Finally, the men and fathers often comment on how grateful they are for an organization that is finally shedding light on these issues and find it difficult to believe why there are so many critics.
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