Our Door is Open.  How Far We Go To Support Boys & Men Depends on You

You did it!

Thanks to your support the Canadian Centre for Men and Families opened to the public this month to tremendous press coverage and an overwhelming public response.

Read all about it in the National PostGlobe and MailMetro News

Because you stepped up Toronto now has a home dedicated to the health and well-being of boys, men and their families.











Since we opened, visitors and calls to the Centre have been non-stop. Fathers needing help regaining access to their children. Mothers seeking tools for their boys struggling to stay in school. Men in desperate need of counselling and peer support.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you to renew your financial support at this critical time. Whether it’s increasing rates of suicide or decreasing rates of university enrolment, we see boys and men in crises. With the opening of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families – and your ongoing support – we see a game changing opportunity.


The Canadian Centre for Men and Families is an unprecedented initiative and I’m sure you know people are watching to see if we succeed. For the sake of boys, men, fathers and families, we must succeed.

This can only happen if each of you reading this message contributes what you can.


OFFICIAL CCMF LOGOPlease help build stronger families and healthier communities by making a tax-deductible year-end donation at this time or by signing up for monthly giving. Visit www.menandfamilies.ca/donate or contact us at info@menandfamilies.org or 647-479-9611. Charitable receipts are provided for all contributions.

Last year we asked for your financial support and together we built the Canadian Centre for Men and Families. Think what we can do together next year!

Justin Trottier
Director, Canadian Centre for Men and Families