Mi’kmaw Native Centre and Public Service Alliance of Canada Join CCMF in Growing the Necktie Campaign
The necktie campaign goal is to have the federal government include men and boys in the upcoming inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. For more information click here.
In response to the federal inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women, Lydia Daniels of Long Plain First Nation in Manitoba started the Necktie Campaign, to raise awareness of missing and murdered Aboriginal men, because her son, Colten Pratt, has been missing since November of 2014.
CCMF contacted Lydia and asked her if she would like to spread the Necktie Campaign across Canada. With her support, CCMF has implemented the Necktie Campaign in most of the major Canadian cities from Vancouver to Halifax.
CCMF Halifax held its Necktie Campaign on National Aboriginal Day (June 21) at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Center in Halifax, in conjunction with a National Aboriginal Day celebration. The venue was at full capacity, with approximately 250 attendees. Debbie Eisan, one of the main administrators of the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Center wants to add more neckties to the Centre’s auditorium, and keep them on display indefinitely. Lori Walton, the National Vice President for Equity at the Public Service Alliance of Canada, is doing a Tie Drive among the PSAC membership to collect the ties needed for the permanent Necktie Campaign.
The primary focus of the Necktie Campaign is to encourage the federal government to change the mandate of the federal inquiry from missing and murdered Aboriginal women, to missing and murdered Aboriginal people.
Aboriginal people make up 5% of the Canadian population, but they make up 23% of all homicide victims in Canada. (1) And 71% of Aboriginal homicide victims are men. (2)
On behalf of CCMF, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Debbie Eisan, Lori Walton, and all of the great people at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Center and the Public Service Alliance of Canada for helping us to make the Necktie Campaign a great success.
Wela’lin (Thank-you),
David Vardy
President/Branch Director
CCMF Halifax
1. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2015001/article/14244-eng.htm#a15
2. http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/adam-jones-aboriginal-men-are-murdered-and-missing-far-more-than-aboriginal-women-a-proper-inquiry-would-explore-both
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