Media Advisory

Media Advisory: Campaign to Establish Toronto’s First “Men’s Centre” Receives Leading Donation (July 22, 2013)

July 22, 2013


Amber Taylor
Canadian Centre for Men and Families


Campaign to Establish Toronto’s First “Men’s Centre” Receives Leading Donation

Canadian Centre for Men and Families Announces “Founder’s Club” for $5,000 Level Donors

TORONTO, ONTARIO — (July 22, 2013) The fundraising campaign to establish the Canadian Centre for Men and Families – Toronto’s first space focused on the status and well-being of boys and men – has received a leading donation of $5,000, bringing its total funds raised to $9,500 in its first month of fundraising.

“While modest by the standard of large and powerful charities, this donation to a unique project in support of a cause some dismiss as unnecessary or even hateful demonstrates an awareness of the crisis facing boys and men and is an important step toward the acknowledgement of the value of this Campaign,” said Michael Cavanaugh, Communications Director for the Canadian Centre for Men and Families (CCMF), the nonprofit leading the project.

In recognition of this donation and to encourage matching support, CCMF has launched the Founder’s Club for donors at the $5,000 level.

“Founder’s Club members will play a critical role in the creation, sustainability and success of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families,” said Cavanaugh. “Through financial contributions, consultative support and networking opportunities, our Founders Club will help us increase our public education, social services, advocacy, research and outreach capabilities on behalf of boys, men, fathers and their families.” Founder’s Club members will enjoy special recognition and engagement.



Amber Taylor
Canadian Centre for Men and Families
