Media Advisory

Media Advisory: Government Grants Charity Status to First “Men’s Issues” Group (May 20, 2014)

May 20, 2014


Amber Taylor


Government Grants Charity Status to First “Men’s Issues” Group
Canadian Centre for Men and Families awareness programs deemed in public interest

TORONTO, ONTARIO — (May 20, 2014) The Canadian Centre for Men and Families (CCMF) has become the first registered charity with a primary mandate to advance public education and awareness of the serious issues facing boys, men and fathers. There are at present only a small handful of men’s resource centres across Canada, but these are all social service oriented.

CCMF focuses on providing positive solutions to the important but overlooked social problems of fatherlessness, disparities in men’s health and the boys crisis in education, but does not shy away from raising necessary critical questions about concepts like rape culture and ideological feminism.

“Achieving charity status provides a major financial boost in our effort to grow our organization and will greatly expand the programs we intend to offer at our soon to open Canadian Centre for Men and Families,” said Adam McPhee, CCMF Spokesperson.

“But the real significance is in the legitimization gained for our agenda to advance public education of the health and well-being of boys and men. The government rigorously reviewed our programs and determined them to be in the public interest.”


Amber Taylor
